Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Sis

Yesterday was my sisters birthday. She invited six girls over to stay over the night but one of them did not make it. Me and my dad were the only boys but we had fun. The girls were loud over the night. My sister turned eight years old. Yesterday morning me and my dad sprayed silly string on her threw ballons on her too. I went to sleep at twelve but I had fun.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mommy is Going to Romania

Guess what, my mom is going to Romainia! She is going July 30th. She is going to tell about Jesus. I am really happy about her. She is going to be gone for a week. And why she is gone my dad will be taking care of me and my sister. The only person I know that is going with her is my cousin Kayla. I hope she has fun and I hope you do to.